Podis, o oaza de relaxare in inima naturii
Ca sa traiesti mai mult, mai bine, mai frumos

Centrul de Sanatate Podis
Scopul nostru ca institutie este de a facilita ajungerea intr-o masura cat mai mare la o stare de sanatate deplina.
Program secretariat
Relatii cu publicul, programari si relatii cu presa
- 900 - 1630
- 900 - 1300
- Sat Podis, Com Margineni
607319 Bacau, Romania
programul NEW START
8 elemente esentiale pentru un stil de viata sanatos
Beneficii soare
Beneficii aer
Beneficii nutritie
Beneficii apa
Beneficii temperanta
Activitate fizica
Beneficii activitate fizica
Beneficiile odihnei
Echilibru mental si spiritual
Beneficii Echilibru mental si spiritual
Doriti sa faceti o rezervare?

The need of relaxation and rest after a year of hard work, a few kilograms extra and light back and knee pain have brought me this summer to the Lifestyle Center Podis. Here I have learned to practice what I already knew. Sometimes you know what is right but do not practice it. I had an excuse: we did not know how to cook as tasty as you did here. I appreciate a lot the fact that you have taught us to cook the healthy foods which you have encouraged us to use. And that is great because otherwise upon our home return is easy to go back to our old habits (frying foods for example). I testify that, in spite of the fact that I did my blood tests two months prior to coming to Podis, here I have discovered that my cholesterol levels and my triglycerides were high and some hepatic enzymes slightly increased. All these made me think seriously to the way I have recently treated my body in a quite negligent manner. Here, finally, I could finally think and find out what I need to do for myself. At home, I usually look after the patients and I think a lot of their future. But guess what? The very things that happen to them can also happen to me. Amazing to me was the fact that I ate all I wished and I have lost 4 kilograms! The hepatic enzymes went down and my triglycerides are now 140mg/dl. I went faithfully through all the treatments prescribed, I exercised much, I fully enjoyed the staff interest and attention concerning my health, and I enjoyed a peaceful sleep after each day’s activities. I go home now, taking along the song of joy learned at Podis and an address which I’ll share with my patients!
Dr. Gabriel Ivanica
Throughout the information shared it is clearly underlined that the Health Center has a holistic vision over health, addressing equally the physical, mental and spiritual components, a “little detail” which we easily overlook. Concerning myself, I can say that I fully benefited from all the three therapeutic dimensions. My Podis experience was not only pleasant but also efficient due to the excellent overall results. I came to the Health Center with undesired “records” of high cholesterol and triglycerides and at my departure I had the full satisfaction of seeing that my blood tests were normal or much lowered. I am extra thankful because at my arrival I had a deep depression with a strong emotional imbalance and I left Podis at peace, with a smile on my face, and with emotional balance. My thankfulness is great because I had carried along the fear of Divine punishment which I have changed at Podis with the gratitude for the saving grace. The good things kept going on; a few weeks later my family doctor congratulated me for my yearly blood chemistry that was great in relation to my age. The last thing I would like to add up, to my thankfulness list is my gratitude toward the excellent team of health disciples from Podis Health Center. My gratitude and awe is directed toward the Great Physician and Healer under whose guidance my life was changed to the better here.
PhD Univ. Dr. Dan Constantinescu
A few weeks ago I had a special revelation. Wishing to become a vegetarian, for health reasons, I came to Podis Health Center to get a complete health screening. To my great surprise, I have found myself in a new and different world compared to all I have ever encountered during the 64 years of my life. I have met an “army” of workers, most of them young, having un uncommon trait of character: all of them were without exception HAPPY. This special atmosphere is shared abundantly with the Center’s guests-patients. They feel completely loved and well cared for by the workers. Slowly this love becomes mutual and from here to the community happiness is but one step.
Oscar Berger
Dear Director, I love to share with you my thoughts as a revelation, a confession, and an act of gratitude. Each of the attendee has already formed an opinion about a place that became weighty in the events of our past. We simply call it Podis. A few of us have already tasted the bitterness of poor health and desperately searched for a remedy. We have wondered through the hospitals and we were terrified by the scenes of human degradation. We came to Podis by chance, without references, without information, not knowing what to expect. It was a great blow. We have discovered a special place, in Romania, which is out of this world by comparison to all we knew and could have imagined: a corner of this world where the man sanctified the place. What have we found here? We have found a modern and decent hotel: a cleanliness that defies the daily misery, a group of people dedicated to the wellbeing of others which cannot be accomplished without smiles, friendship, respect and enthusiasm, detailed professionalism, inborn gentleness, unconditional love and genuine humanism. We were lovingly welcomed into a united family, dedicated to the wellbeing of their neighbors. We have been fascinated by the way we were treated, by the manner we were addressed, by the way we were introduced into their world. Nobody has ever cared for us so sincerely and seriously, nobody wanted to do us so much good and gently to break down our suspicions. We have noticed that absolutely nothing is left to itself; everything is well coordinated, disciplined and done in harmony. Here, we met people as we wished our children were: remarkable characters and brotherly friendship. We have been guided by the sensitive head nurse, as a little squirrel. We woke up every day comforted by the gentle voice of the nightingale, we ate out of the motherly hand of the cooking team and we were pampered by the warm hand of our therapists. Our bodies and souls have been delivered from the dross and deep darkness where we were indulging in. Now we have a hard time going back home, we are afraid to leave an oasis of the pure humanity and to return back into the world we came from. We will feel alienated among our old friends and we will long to return here, home. Our gratitude is so great that we find no words for it. We do not know to whom we shall address our thankfulness because our gratitude is directed toward the whole MIRACLE, present here, with its people and its surroundings. This miracle is simply called PODIS. Thank you! We would like to assure you of our high appreciation and consideration!
De Hillerin Family, Earl of Préssec (France)
The need of relaxation and rest after a year of hard work, a few kilograms extra and light back and knee pain have brought me this summer to the Lifestyle Center Podis. Here I have learned to practice what I already knew. Sometimes you know what is right but do not practice it. I had an excuse: we did not know how to cook as tasty as you did here. I appreciate a lot the fact that you have taught us to cook the healthy foods which you have encouraged us to use. And that is great because otherwise upon our home return is easy to go back to our old habits (frying foods for example). I testify that, in spite of the fact that I did my blood tests two months prior to coming to Podis, here I have discovered that my cholesterol levels and my triglycerides were high and some hepatic enzymes slightly increased. All these made me think seriously to the way I have recently treated my body in a quite negligent manner. Here, finally, I could finally think and find out what I need to do for myself. At home, I usually look after the patients and I think a lot of their future. But guess what? The very things that happen to them can also happen to me. Amazing to me was the fact that I ate all I wished and I have lost 4 kilograms! The hepatic enzymes went down and my triglycerides are now 140mg/dl. I went faithfully through all the treatments prescribed, I exercised much, I fully enjoyed the staff interest and attention concerning my health, and I enjoyed a peaceful sleep after each day’s activities. I go home now, taking along the song of joy learned at Podis and an address which I’ll share with my patients!
Dr. Gabriel Ivanica
I have been a patient at Podis last year (2014), during the month of May, with my wife, Angelica. I was completely wiped out through lack of rest and this fact was seen in my blood tests. The blood chemistry is being done to each patient the very first day after his arrival in the Health Center. The time spent in Podis Health Center, the intensive treatments which were recommended in my situation, the very special atmosphere which has restored me, the wonderful people I met among Podis’ staff, everything has contributed to the radical change of my general being. For the past 60 years of my life I have visited many places, but nowhere have I found so much friendliness backed up by so much professionalism. In the end of my stay there, my blood tests came out very well, only to show how much better I was, how much energy and zest for life I had, how eager I was to tell everyone “go to Podis and see for yourself miracles happening”.
Ioan Paicu